Courtice is a community adjacent to Oshawa’s eastern border. Although it is part of the Town of Clarington it has all the appearances of being a part of Oshawa.
Courtice offers many family-oriented amenities, it is well serviced with educational facilities, and a sports complex that includes two ice surfaces and a pool.
Sometimes family disputes escalate to the point that the police become involved. When allegations are made it can become a “he said – she said” situation. When one of the parties is charged polygraph may be helpful. Although the polygraph is not admissible in Criminal court, your lawyer may be able to use the polygraph to convince the Crown Attorney to drop the charges. Polygraph is admissible in civil proceedings and can be helpful where false accusations of abuse are made.
Polygraph services are also offered to sporting competitions such as fishing and golf, generally where the prize is of considerable value. Fishing competitions focus on whether all the rules of the competition were followed. Was the fish caught in the time frame of the competition, or was it caught before the start of the derby and caged for later removal? Did the competitor add weight to the fish by forcing ice or weights into the fish? Was the competitor the one who caught the fish?
I recently did a polygraph on a man who won a car as a result of a hole in one. Unfortunately, the marshal who was watching the hole had to leave just prior to this happening. The insurer asked for a polygraph to confirm that no fraud was involved.
These are only some of the types of testing we do at Polygraph Toronto. Please feel free to call about your issues.
Polygraph Toronto has also assisted families with some of the problems that they encounter. Thefts, allegations of sexual abuse, legal problems and relationship issues are but a few. I recently spoke to a parent who suspected that her child had taken a sum of money from their home. The question was, how old does someone have to be to take a polygraph?
The answer is not so simple. It is dependent on the maturity of the child, their ability to understand the process and their consent is required. By age 12 most would be testable.
What other services offered to families? The most common issue that I am asked to test on would be relationship issues. These range from issues such as: fidelity testing, therapeutic testing for sexual addiction, maintenance testing for sexual addiction, Testing for other addictions such as drugs or gambling.